Contact and Booking Inquiries

For all booking inquiries please use form below or send an email to:

One Sheet Private Party and Contact Info

I am able to provide entertainment for every type of party imaginable.  I can provide lighting, multiple high-end sound systems, wireless lapel and speech mics, DJ dance floor-filler sets, background corporate music.


Google (featured artist at Global Summit, 2 consecutive years), Amazon, Accenture (featured artist for corporate events in NYC, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas), AirBnB, Facebook, BaiDu, Oracle, eBay, iCrossing, Netflix, Kawasaki, Morgan Stanley, iCap Global, Serena & Lily,  Gloria Ferrer Vineyards, Byington Vineyards, Rams Gate Vineyards, Stryker Sonoma Vineyards,Regale Vineyards, Lagunitas Brewery, HopMonk Brewery, Pyramid Brewery, Russian River Brewery, Almanac Brewery, Cavallo Point, Carneros Resort Napa (residency gig), La Ventana Resort Big Sur, Edson Hill Resort Stowe VT, Stowe Mountain Resort, Limelight Hotels Aspen/Snowmass/Ketchum, Hard Rock Cafe Honolulu, Mill Valley Film Festival, Sonoma Music Festival, Sonoma Film Festival, Kauai Music Festival